Thankful health care bill was passed
Dear Editor:
Everyday we make decisions that affect us for the rest of our lives; some we benefit from, others do harm no sacrifice, no progress. The health care issues had to be addressed and I am so thankful that the bill was passed, more especially for the children. Coverage for pre-existing conditions in children will be implemented this year. Harry Hopkins said, "Scrap all plans that don't work until our problems are solved with success." Are children without insurance a problem or should uninsured children be tossed to the side and forgotten?
Mr. Gordon Smith, you tried to kill the health care bill and failed. Your abysmal views will never satisfy your search for purpose. Man's search for meaning is personal, generally, including his faith, love, and support of his family and friends, and fattening his wallet. Should helping the poor, the sick, the unfortunate be part of the equation?
The following are statements made by Mr. Smith in his article dated March 20, 2010.
You said that our representatives and senators are not listening to you and your supporters. You claim that our politicians are destroying our constitution, and are going to bankrupt our country; ignoring you, wearing you down, discouraging you, pretending to ignore you, attempting to destroy your movement, eroding your rights, isolating your conservative movement. Please prove each and every one of your above-mentioned statements and include them in a future article in this paper. I'm especially looking forward to your explanation of how someone pretends to ignore you. Please excuse me as I am going to grab a dictionary and look up the word "paranoid." Sir, has anyone that doesn't fit your philosophical mold ever done anything with which you agreed?
Why do so many express only the negative side of their adversaries? There are many honest, upright politicians that deserve our praise and respect, both liberal and conservative. There is no effect without a cause. People should look at the world as to what it is becoming and not what it has been. The good old days were not always good. The good we have done during our lives by practicing common decency will have a positive effect long after we are forgotten.
Your peevishness and insensitivity simply doesn't add goodness to any man. People that weep and wail do so as the result of their own misdeeds and not by cause of their adversaries. Greed and self-concern simply are not in the good picture. It seems to me you took a few pages out of "Animal Farm." I'm guessing you have read the book; however, if you haven't I am suggesting that you do. When self-concerned people lose a battle they take umbrage in falsely attacking their successors. President Abraham Lincoln once said, "It takes a smarter man to tell a successful lie than to tell the truth." I'd like to add that it takes more than a genius to fool oneself into believing their wrongs are right.
Down through the times proletarianism has been the prominent cause for the collapse of many great societies. Helping the less fortunate is the right thing to do and is a very necessary relief valve. Study will show that more societies have collapsed because of their leaders' failure to support the lower classes than the reverse and upon that you can bank.
Lloyd Vaught