Palmerton 85-pounders win LVYFL championship
The 85-pound Palmerton Bombers football team captured the championship of the 2009 Lehigh Valley Youth Football League this season. The team beat Marian, 25-6, in the championbshp game. Team members include, first row, from left, Julian Chlebove, Owen Schoch, Aaron Stasko (MVP) and Dylan Shinsky. Second row, Tanner Strohl, Devin Rivera, Eric Reitz, Colton Thomas and Aiden Hinchey. Third row, Tyler Haydt, Dereck Wentz, Joshua Mooney, Cody Waterhouse, Alex Schwab and Jonathan Gruber. Fourth row, Matthew Andreas, Ryan King, Bryce Thomas Eric Schafer, Johnathan Eckhart and Nathaniel Galgoci. Fifth row, CJ Balliet, Will Smith, Nate Andress, Austin Sheckler, Nicholas Reimer, Justin Hosier, Austin Costenbader, Andrew Sabo and Austin Haydt. Sixth row, Coach Scott Andress, Coach Glenn Reimer, Coach Dennis Smale, Coach Troy Schwab, Coach Travis Shinsky and Coach Jayson Haydt.