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Tamaqua news

Published March 09. 2010 05:00PM

Sorority news

Preceptor Alpha Upsilon chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority met March 3 at the home of President Mary Machay. The business session was preceded by a demonstration from Scentsy Consultant Sara Kunkel.

During the business session, members reviewed the Valentine's Party for residents of the Geriatric Center at St. Luke's Miners Memorial Hospital and discussed upcoming plans.

The chapter-sponsored dance for sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade students will be held March 12, from 7-9 p.m., at the Tamaqua Community Center. Music will be provided by DJ Sean Frederickson.

The Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt will be held March 27, at noon, at the Bungalow Park. Children up to the age of 10, who reside within the Tamaqua Area School District, are welcome to attend. The Easter Bunny will make a special appearance.

The next meeting will be held March 17. The evening will begin at the Tamaqua Train Station, then move to the home of Donna Sterling, Lake Hauto.

Community service

This week's Community Lenten Service, sponsored by the Tamaqua Ministerium, will be held at First United Methodist Church, 124 W. Broad St. The service will begin at noon and will be followed by a light luncheon.

The public is welcome to attend.


The Tamaqua Chapter of Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) meets every Wednesday, from 6-8 p.m., in the Tamaqua Salvation Army Community Center, 105 W. Broad St. The meeting includes a short business session and a program.

Josie Mariani provided an inspirational reading entitled "Remember" at the March 3 meeting. Leader Bernie Kunkel presented a program on ways to make small changes to your diet. Members discussed the upcoming State Recognition Days, which are scheduled to be held April 23-24 in Wilkes-Barre.

For more information, stop by a meeting or call Nancy Barron at (570) 668-4651 or Bernie Kunkel at (570) 645-7702. Information is also available on the Web at

Anyone interested in learning more may attend the meeting without obligation.


Wednesday is the day for curbside recycling pickup for all residents of Tamaqua.

All recyclable items must be placed in the containers issued to each borough household. Any other containers, such as plastic bags and cardboard boxes, will be emptied and left behind.

Anyone who needs a recycling container may contact borough hall at (570) 668-3444.

Collection bins for cardboard have been moved to the Tamaqua Transfer Station on Sewage Treatment Plant Road.

Collection bins for newspaper can be found at the Tamaqua Borough Garage on East Broad Street.

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