Jim Thorpe burglaries probed
Jim Thorpe police are investigating two burlgaries reported recently.
Police said Harold Maurer Jr., of 129 Lentz Trail, came to police headquarters and reported items were stolen from a building on his property. Taken were an industrial power washer, air compressor, and a three by three trash pump. The items were taken from a secured garage area.
Police said a older model blue in color sedan may have been involved in the incident. The incident occurred sometime between November 2009 and March 12.
On March 4 a female who resides in the 600 block of Center St. reported she had several pieces of jewelry stolen from her home. Among the items taken were a diamond band ring with a double ring case, and several other rings, all yellow gold.
Anyone with information on either incident is asked to call police at (570) 325-4995.