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Chestnuthill column

Published May 04. 2010 05:00PM

New parish

The Rev. Deb Hoffman, assistant pastor at Effort UMC, has announced her new appointment.

She will be taking her many talents to Wooddale UMC, in the more northern portion of Monroe County. Both she and The Rev. David Felker will be providing their last worship leadership on Sunday, June 20.

A retired local pastor will be filling the pulpit on June 27 for both services. A member of the congregation will be filling the pulpit on June 26.

May Friendship Day

Church Women United is holding its "May Friendship Day" on Friday, May 7, at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Tannersville. The service will be held at 11 a.m. Lunch will follow.

Participants are asked to call Betty Campbell at (570) 629-0647 for planning's sake.

New officers

The Western Pocono Lions Club has elected the following officers for the term beginning July 2010 to June 2011: president, Helen Koshensky; first vice president, Michael Piersa; second vice president, Curt Bush; third vice president, William Rinehart; secretary, Jon Evans; treasurer, Matthew Held; tail twister, Charlie Rush; and lion tamer, Herman Green

The following members are also serving on the board of directors: Chris Sweeney, Mary Jane Lucrezi, Bethlinn Mackes, two-year term; George Schreiber, Dee Merendini, Cathy Pagano, one-year term.


Monday, May 10, is the date for the annual Pleasant Valley High School Band concert. It will begin at 7:30 p.m.

Chestnuthill PTO

The Parent Teacher Organization for the Chestnuthill School is slated to meet at 4 p.m., Tuesday, May 11.

Club assembly

The West End Rotary Club will hold a club assembly at its May 6 breakfast meeting.

Special speakers will begin May 13.

AARP Driver Class

A four-hour refresher AARP Driver Safety program class will be held at the Chestnuthill Park Building from 1-5 p.m. Saturday, May 22.

To register call (570) 619-4006.

One must bring proof of having previously taken the eight-hour course.

PATH celebrates

Pocono Area Transitional Housing is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year.

Since the beginning of its service to families, in June 1990, Path has provided over 18,400 people nights of housing and, according to director Sharon Taylor, PATH has provided support services to 297 families with 511 children. Taylor says that 86 percent of these families were able to resolve their housing crisis and move into their own homes.

More recycling

Chestnuthill Township Recycling Center has expanded its recycling program.

It is currently accepting plastics #1-7. Recycling center users are asked to separate 1 and 2 and place said numbers into one container while 3 through 7 should go in another.

If users do not follow those guidelines, the program of accepting 3 through 7 plastics will most likely not continue due to costs.

Special wishes

The following folks are celebrating a birthday in the coming week: Michael Griffith, Bob Decker, Jason Treantafelo, Casey Arntz, May 5; Lauren Anderson, Todd Haydt, LeEtte Bonser, May 6; Steven Hoover, May 7, Bob Argot, May 11.

Kathleen and Donald Brong are celebrating their anniversary on May 11.

In remembrance

A Fireman's Memorial will be held at 11 a.m., Saturday, May 8, at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Fish Hill Road, Tannersville, by the Monroe County Fireman's Association.

The service will honor those who have passed away this past year.

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