First meeting an eye opener
Dear Editor:
I attended my first council meeting in Hometown a few weeks ago. I have never seen a meeting that was held so backwards in my life.
After the opening statement there was a question and answer period. May I say, that this period was more like a question, with no answer period, than informative! It appeared that it was more of an "I don't know that answer" or "stop by the township building someday and we will answer that for you" period.
Once the question portion was over the council moved onto other business, talking about hiring this person and that person also talking about grants and spending money here and there. I realized that running a township costs money, but please think of the people you are representing, these people are your neighbors. You need to think about the incomes in this area that have been seriously changed by the economy.
A little patience and kindness goes a long way. When did we become so ingnorant as to treat the people that contribute to the township, this way?
If someone doesn't agree with certain people they are thrown out of your meetings.I was under the impression that my opinion counted for something. I guess I was wrong!
Faith Rummel