Government infected by virus called lies
Dear Editor:
Now it is time to tell the real story, not the half story on biosolids. First, most legislation is proposed by lobbyists for special interest firms. They put a name on it to confuse the general public called biosolids. You will not find this word in Webster's Dictionary.
Biosolids are sewage from every sewage plant which includes toxic hospital waste, industrial waste, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and everything the general public throws away. This also includes medicine and anything else that can go into a toilet which eventually reaches the sewage plant. The government's answer to this, "Oh we test and treat the waste." If you believe them, what's next, Casper the Ghost?
Do you know where the biosolids are taken? DEP said it is safe for agricultural purposes. Well it will eventually find its way into our reservoirs and aquifers. The government will tell you it's safe after filtration. What a joke. There are over 300,000 toxins found in biosolids, and DEP tests only for approximately six toxins after it's spread on the fields and crops are planted. Corn, oats, and alfalfa are fed to the cows which produce milk. Then you drink the milk and eat the vegetables. Who do you believe? The government is so infected with a virus called lies. They support special interest groups. That's where the campaign money comes from. Sixty percent of our legislatures today are sitting on their brains.
If the general public doesn't know it by now, you will. The Attorney General is suing Packer Township because of our ordinance which prohibits placing biosolids on our land. Our reason for this ordinance is to protect our water and air. Why is every law passed by the state right? It's about time our courts see the light. Right is right and enough is enough. Our dumb legislatures can't figure out the cancer epidemic in our area. We are surrounded by many superfund sites. The McAdoo Associates is a good example. They capped the site. This compares to your dog or cat doing their duty on your floor. You place a newspaper on it and hope it goes away. Finally, we never prosecuted anyone for the chemical mess we have. In fact, DEP did a good job of covering it up.
Tom C. Gerhard
Weatherly, Pa.