High cost of electric
Dear Editor:
We are all aware of the higher cost of electric from our electric supplier PPL. What I wasn't aware of until this week is that power hungry provider is asking the PUC for a rate increase. PUC stands for Public Utilities. What happened to the public in the name? The cost before deregulation was high. Why do they need more? I use all the energy saving devices that are offered on the market, eg. light bulbs, storm doors, set back thermostats on the water heater and my bill doubled with the deregulated price. And now they want an increase. All of this is akin to the oil companies and $3 a gallon for gasoline.
Last year I was part of the reduced charges for peak off peak electric charges. I have repeatedly called PPL to find out when they plan to institute that program. All I receive is platitudes on why the PUC has not granted their request.
House Speaker McCall told me it was passed April 22. Why is PPL taking soooo long to send me a letter offering the program. How many employees are not working since PPL went to electric meter reading? To add to the frustration, 25 percent of the time I receive an estimated bill. So PPL is working on even greater charges till my bill is reconciled.
Unemployment is at an all-time high. Medical insurance charges are rising and PPL wants a rate increase. Come on. Give us poor working slobs a break. My budget has a hard time as it is.
From the pen of K. Treger, Lehighton