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Tamaqua news

Published November 26. 2010 05:00PM

ESRC basketball

The Eastern Schuylkill Recreation Commission is seeking volunteer coaches and referees for its Biddy Basketball Program for students in third through sixth grade. There will be two separate divisions, 3-4 grade and 5-6 grade. The program is scheduled to begin the second week in December and continue through February.

The league is designed to help children develop and sharpen their basketball skills, increasing their interest in the game. Games and practices will be held at the Tamaqua Elementary School and the West Penn Elementary School.

For more information, or to sign up or volunteer, contact Jason Boris at (570) 668-2919.

First gift

New Life Assembly of God Church will again sponsor a "First Gift" campaign to provide local children with a brighter holiday during difficult economic times. Organizers are currently accepting donations from area merchants, businesses and generous citizens.

The program will be held Dec. 10 at the church. Each child will receive gift bags filled with toys, candy and other donated items. There will also be cookies and hot chocolate available.

For more information, or to donate, call (570) 668-4059 or 778-3867.

Primitive Methodist

The Rev. Rodney Hall will officiate at the 10:45 a.m. worship service Sunday in Primitive Methodist Church. The service will include a children's sermon. Nursery care is available. Sunday school classes will be held at 9:30 a.m.

First Steps, a support group for mothers of young children, meets the first Tuesday of each month, from 6-8 p.m., at the church.

Sorority news

Members of the Preceptor Alpha Upsilon Chapter chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority met at the home of Donna Gerber, who presented a program about the history, tradition and uses of holiday wreaths. Each member had the opporunity to construct and decorate a personal wreath using live greens. Holiday punch, dips and desserts were served.

Members brought unused Christmas cards, which Sue Hummel will distribute to residents of the Hometown Nursing Center and the St. Luke's Geriatric Center in Coaldale. Cards will also be mailed to local, active duty military personnel who will not be home for the holidays.

The next meeting will be held Dec. 7, at 6:30 p.m., at the home of Diane Pruett. The meeting will include a Secret Sister gift exchange.and a meal. The chapter's holiday special will be held Dec. 15, at 6:45 p.m., at Stonehedge Gardens in South Tamaqua. The evening will include the lighting of the garden's Christmas tree, snacks and beverages. Reservations may contact Nancy Meiser for more information.

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