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Stuffed like a turkey

Published November 27. 2010 09:00AM

Ready or not, the mad holiday rush is in full effect.

If you're like me, chances are you're stuffed like a turkey right about now.

With yet another delicious Thanksgiving meal firmly tucked away in my stomach, I feel as though I'm about ready to deliver a bird.

For those of you who crave a good old-fashioned Turkey Day dinner, the good news is there may still be plenty of leftovers to be had.

Raise your hand if you were among those who ate, watched football and fell asleep in that exact sequence of events.

While there was surely plenty of drumsticks and hard hits to go around, let us not forget the true meaning of the holiday and what it signifies.

First and foremost, it is a day to give thanks for those things that are most important to us.

Based on the uncanny string of events that have recently unfolded in or around my household, I'm thankful for many things.

Earlier this month, my mom had to undergo shoulder surgery, which dashed any hopes she had of cooking the holiday meal.

Two days later, my fiance's mother sustained a broken finger after a tree fell right in front of her path of travel.

A little over a week later, a deer smashed into a school bus my fiance's sister - who just so happened to be the driver when the tree fell - takes to work.

That my family was even able to celebrate Thanksgiving at all seems like a major accomplishment in it of itself.

From there came Black Friday, which can be a shopper's delight. Or, worst nightmare.

Since I didn't shop that day, I was in the clear. Then again, I've yet to shop at all; save for a purchase I made courtesy of the television that I won't forget anytime soon.

Not one to dabble much with credit cards, I committed the cardinal sin when I said yes to spend an extra dollar as part of an add-on over the phone.

Let's just say my credit card was a little worse for the wear soon thereafter. I've since vowed to never buy any item over the television ever again.

Low and behold, Christmas is just around the corner. Aren't you just amazed at how fast time goes by?

It seems like just yesterday that children decked out in their favorite Halloween costumes rang our doorbell on Trick-or-Treat night.

Within days, those of us who haven't will pick up our trees, decorate them, and put out our other Christmas decorations.

Then we'll finish our Christmas shopping, wrap and unwrap the gifts, and eat Christmas dinner.

One week from then, the clock will strike midnight, the ball will drop in New York City, and 2011 will be here.

In between that, there's bound to be some exchanges that will have to be taken back to the store, not to mention family and friends whom we may not have visited.

The next thing you know, winter will be upon us and the ski slopes will be packed.

While I enjoy the holiday season as much as anyone, it just seems like time goes by faster these days than it used to.

Amid all the hustle and bustle, sometimes we just need to take a moment to absorb all that goes on around us.

After all, time stands still for no one.

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