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Because you don't care

Published October 02. 2010 09:00AM

Dear Editor:

Because you (and by you I mean the majority of Americans who care more about the big game or who is going to win American Idol than you do about what our out of control tyrannical government is doing to us) have traded in community activism for yelling at your TV sets, I am including a small list of offensive actions that are threatening our lives, our liberty and our pursuit of happiness.

The looting of our treasury: trillions of dollars have been stolen from us and handed over to criminal bankers and Wall Street cronies who are directly responsible for our economic ruin.

Our food supply has been compromised: Genetically Modified Organisms were introduced in 1996 by former Monsato lawyer Michael Taylor while he was working at the FDA. Also, genetically engineered animals are being implemented into today's food supply as well. The United States has now become a giant science experiment. If Senate Bill S. 510 which Benedict Kanjorski voted for in the House under HR 875 is passed, Michael Taylor will become Food Czar and it will be illegal to grow, share, trade and sell homegrown foods. This legislation will give the government totalitarian control over our food supply and hence YOU.

Never ending wars continue to rage on: Does anyone even care about this one anymore? Besides costing us thousands of American lives to fight these illegal wars that have no agenda and no end in sight, it costs us one million dollars per soldier per year in Afghanistan alone.

The destruction of our currency: Wondering why the price of your favorite case of beer keeps going up? It's because the value of the funny money in your pocket keeps going down. In the meantime, the illegal banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve, clamors for more power every time one of their engineered crisis's makes you poorer. And because your favorite team is in the playoffs Congress quietly gives it to them. At some point there will be an economic collapse.

You are now a suspect: Terrorists don't just live in caves anymore they also buy Daughtry and Kelly Clarkson albums. Starting November 1st, all Americans traveling by plane must get approved three days before flying anywhere in the country by the Department of Homeland Security. Want to spontaneously leave work early Friday and catch the Birds in Arizona on Sunday? Forget it. You'll have to stay in your cell, I mean your home, and watch it from there.

Property tax equals property confiscation: The rent you pay to the government to stay on the land you allegedly own keeps going up. It's already forced some of your neighbors from their property and soon you'll be next.

Join Carbon County Constitutionalists at meetupdotcom to learn more.

Gene Duffy

Jim Thorpe

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