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Can't waste our children's future

Published October 18. 2010 05:00PM

In the past 8 years Pennsylvania has amassed billions of dollars in new debt. This is money that has been borrowed from our children and grandchildren and will have to be paid back by them. At the time our political leaders told us we were "investing in our future" they promised all would be better if we would just send them back to Harrisburg for another term. I think everyone can agree, as we sit mired in one of the worst recessions in history that politics as usual isn't working.

The time has come to restore common sense and accountability to government. We can no longer continue to waste our children's future. It is this generation's challenge to bring our state and country back from the brink. We need sound fiscal policies that encourage economic growth and reward achievement. I believe our state and region can be at the forefront of our nation's economic recovery. Government must untie the hands of private sector job creators to allow us to combine our strong work ethic, skilled workforce, environmental stewardship and technological abilities. It is also incumbent upon the next generation of government leaders to ensure our future workers are properly educated. As a father of two young girls, I am committed to properly funding our schools with an emphasis on early education programs.

This year we stand at a cross roads. We can continue the downward spiral of higher taxes and spending or we can move to restore our greatness through private industry, educational opportunities and American ingenuity. If we stand firm we will prevail and our children and grandchildren will have the opportunity to live the American dream.

I do not believe our state or our nation can sustain the road we have been traveling and if we don't take a stand to change course American greatness will be lost forever. Let's not go quietly.

Doyle Heffley,

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