Embarrassed for contestants
Dear Editor:
I have just heard some very disquieting news: the annual "Jim Thorpe Idol" competition will not be held again.
It seems Ms Barbara Conway (Superintendent of Jim Thorpe Area Schools) has decided this.
Two "mothers" have complained because their child did not place. The mother of the girl contestant was very vocal, calling Natalie Kmetz some extremely unladylike names and the mother of the boy contestant yelling that she was unfair and "rigging" the contest.
Natalie Kmetz is the director, not a judge. The revenue from the JIM THORPE IDOL helps to finance the annual Jim Thorpe High School Theatre production.
I feel so sorry for the two youngsters. They must be so embarrassed at the actions of their mothers and the fact their mothers did not know the meaning of the word competition.
Merie Walker
1129 Cedar Ave. #49
Lewiston, Idaho 83501