Divide and conquer
Dear Editor:
This letter is in response to Mr. Glaush's article last week in Saturday's op/ed and I can't help but want to state the obvious. Mr. Glaush, how many people do you think you offended by saying it was the democrats fault that we are in the current mess we are in? Since we are talking about Carbon County, I am going to guess that roughly over half of the readers, if they even finished what you had to say at all were enraged by the end of your article.
I am guessing that if someone wrote an article stating that Bush and the Republicans were the reason for the current crisis and Obama is just trying to fix the mess you and many others would be incensed. Well guess what? Both elected republicans and democrats are destroying America, yet we are all pointing our fingers at each other.
Is this easier than working toward a solution or even worse yet having to do a little more than go out every couple of years and pull a lever for a well funded yet highly ignorant candidate? The problem is that none of the people you mentioned that you support or those already in office or those whom you don't support will be following the very document they all take an oath to uphold and defend, the United States and Pennsylvania State Constitutions.
Everyone is losing their jobs, everyone is getting forced out of their homes, everyone is seeing their God given rights no longer protected by their government and the funny thing is, it doesn't matter whether you are republican or democrat it is still happening.
This isn't about democrat versus republican, elephant versus donkey (Notice how we even get a mascot and a color so we can cheer our team on) this is about freedom versus slavery. And we all are bickering back and forth over trivial issues with uninformed points of view. If you understand that the two extremes in government are NO government (anarchy) and TOTAL government (all of the isms such as fascism and socialism) you can see that the far right and far left belief system is fraudulent. And sometimes it is easier to make this point to a second grader than it is a person who's invested a lifetime believing in this paradox.
I have to disagree with you Mr. Glaush, when you say how we cast our vote in this election is going to determine the future of our nation, our freedom and our economic prosperity. What is going to determine the things you so eloquently suggest is whether We the People hold our politicians accountable to their oath of office. But to do this we must first know what their oath of office entails. Do we want our government to rule over us or do we want to rule over our government? If you answered you want the government to rule over us then don't take the time to learn what their oath entails and keep putting your faith in candidates who promise you the sun the moon and the stars. Then keep allowing these very same people to tax you to death, send your sons and daughters to die in illegal wars and continue to rent your property from them so they can oppress you.
If you want to rule over your government in a peaceful and lawful way join together with your neighbors and agree to just say no. I also highly recommend reading and completely understanding our US and state constitutions. There is an incredible book called The Making of America by Cleon Skousen that can assist you in this effort. And thirdly you can join the Carbon County Sheriff's brigade which will have its inaugural meeting on November 20th at 11 a.m. at Jim Thorpe Memorial Hall.
Gene Duffy
Jim Thorpe