A weekend of sadness yet hope
Dear Editor:
This weekend we remember, with profound sadness, when horror struck New York, Washington and Pennsylvania. When Christian and Jew, Muslim and Buddhist, Agnostic and Atheist, people from all over the world, of all cultures, races and belief systems, perished together in the Twin Towers. Our hearts were crushed.
We are all made of the same stardust and of the same life blood. We are each a very special creation in the human family.
Back then, in the midst of the dust and rubble, were those who risked their lives to give life to others, who went into harms way to rescue and give comfort in a thousand ways.
Hundreds and hundreds, standing in lines to give blood - Christians and Jews, Muslims and Buddhists, Irish and Arabs, Persians and Germans, Americans and Nigerians. All moved quickly, on the impulse of goodness, to fill the need, to respond in love and caring.
Those were sacramental moments, lived out in reality.
This is my body ... this is my blood ... given for you Muslim and Jew, Christian and Buddhist, Atheist and Agnostic. We are all, indeed, one body.
So, each year at this time, we gather in our hearts and minds to imagine a better world. A world that will move beyond hate and violence, fear and selfishness. and then, hopefully, we will make the efforts necessary to make peace and respect between all people a reality.
It is not sufficient to wait for the other to make the first move toward peace. It must be our move first, our hands first, our words first, our hearts first. The overwhelming number of Americans wish to treat others as they wish to be treated themselves. We call it the "Golden Rule." It's in our very DNA.
But it seems that the twins of ignorance and bigotry have raised their ugly voices in this time of difficulty. But I urge you, my brothers and sisters of the Muslim faith, not to let this cowardly behavior cause you to loose confidence in the American Dream. This foul behavior will pass and leave in its wake yet another pocket of shame as we journey on to a better America. We are not perfect but have emerged as the best hope for this planet. Thank you for having the courage to believe, against all odds, in the American Dream.
A wise and good person once commended that if Buddha, Moses, Muhammad, Jesus and Confucius should ever come together ... they would instantly recognize each other ... as good and holy truth speakers ... beloved equally by the same God.
Deacon Skp La Police
560 Hemlock Road,