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It's all about money

Published September 18. 2010 09:00AM

Dear Editor:

Regarding a recent story published in the Times News, it seems as if it is time for another episode of "Let's See if We Can Pull the Wool over the Hicks' Eyes". I say this in frustration of another case of a metropolitan area telling us their waste is "good for us" and we should accept in this area.

Of course, the Department of Environmental Pollution is helpless as usual and condone and partner with these industries while not allowing a peer review of their so-called science. I've said it before, and I'll say it again- this crap is all about money.

I guess we hicks are just not that smart. We have plenty of sewage sludge here but we pay to get rid of it in appropriate manner instead of using it to reclaim land. We have plenty of fly ash and coal combustion waste here, yet the hicks aren't smart enough to use it to fill their mine pits. Why does all of this junk always have to come from Philly, or Harrisburg, or West Virginia and Tennessee?

If these applications are so beneficial, the hicks should be using the material generated in our backyards, or I am incorrect?

There are plenty of farms and farmland in around Harrisburg and York. Of course these industries know they have a snowball's chance in hell in getting permission to dump their wastes on those well-to-do residents.

It's time, once again, for us to band together and show that we know what goes on. Have to remind dem dere city folk of dat every now and then.

Michael J. Polyak


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