Strong opposition to sludge dumping
Dear Editor:
I was surprised, dismayed and disappointed with the letter by John Schickram which appeared in the Saturday, September 11 edition of the Times News.
My first surprise on this matter occurred the very day I read about the proposed trucking and dumping of the Harrisburg sludge in Schuylkill Township. Immediately, Senator Dave Argall and I voiced strong concerns about this project.
Without delay, I sent letters to the Governor, the Department of Environmental Protection, the Schuylkill County Commissioners, the Schuylkill Township Supervisors, the Elizabethtown consulting firm and the mining company involved in this proposal. In those letters, I noted my strong opposition to the application of sewage sludge and noted I will do everything in my power to stop it.
I remind John that I've only been a legislator for a little over a year and this is the first time this monster of an issue has reared its ugly head.
I would hope that a fellow politician, who has run for elected office numerous times, would not politicize this very serious health issue. I urge him and his followers to rally behind me to help stop the dumping of sewer sludge in our area.
Would John Schickram prefer I do nothing? It seems that you just can't win with some people.
Jerry Knowles
PA State Representative
124th Legislative