Tamaqua news
An American Red Cross Bloodmobile, held in Tamaqua on Sept. 23, collected 42 units of blood. The visit was sponsored by the Alpha Theta Masters Sorority.
Volunteers who assisted with the event included: Bob and Dolly Shirey, Jean Stephens, Claudette Zarra, Joan Camerini, Sara Jane Bensinger, Jean Tonkin, Robert and Darlene Zeckam.
The social hall at St. John United Church of Christ was converted into a blood collection center through the efforts of Randy Gormley, Jack Quinn, Jack Rarick, Joe Rimm and Michael Trubilla.
Multi-gallon pins were awarded to: Tim Postupack, four gallons; David Clemson, six gallons; and Mary van Pelt, 14 gallons.
Senior news
The Tamaqua Senior Citizens group met last week with 74 members in attendance. Vice President Doris Brobst conducted the business session. One new member, Pear Davis, was welcomed.
Eleanor Roberts offered the invocation, entitled "God's Love." Secretary Eleanor Schmerfeld provided a report. Rosetta Folk was added to the sick list. The membership total has reached 179. August and September birthdays will be celebrated at the Sept. 30 meeting.
Anyone 55 or older is welcome to join the senior's group.
Cross country
The Tamaqua Area Cross Country Boosters will meet on Oct. 5, at 6 p.m., at the Tamaqua Area Senior High School. Anyone interested in supporting the teams is welcome to attend.
St. Peter's Union
The Rev. Rodney Wells will officiate at the 9 a.m. worship service this World Wide Communion Sunday in St. Peter's Union Church, Mantzville. The service will be followed by an all-you-can-eat breakfast.
Also on Sunday, the Youth Group will meet at 6 p.m.
Activities for next week include: Wednesday, dinner theater rehearsal at 6:15 p.m.; Thursday, prayer group meets at 5 p.m. and the Confirmation class meets at 6 p.m.; Saturday, Queens of Crop Scrapbooking group will meet at 9 a.m.
Choir rehearsals are held on Thursdays. Next week's schedule will include: Cherubs at 6:30 p.m., Junior Choir at 7 p.m., and Senior Choir at 7:45 p.m.
Pet blessing
Calvary Episcopal Church, 300 W. Broad St., is sponsoring a Blessing of Pets this Sunday, beginning at noon. All pets must be leashed or in carriers.
For more information, call 668-2775.
Open house
Tamaqua Senior High School Principal RuthAnn Gardiner has announced the annual Senior High School Open House will be held on Sept. 29. The event will be held from 7-9 p.m., beginning in the district's auditorium. Parents of all students in grades 9 through 12 are welcome to attend.