Get with the program
Dear Editor:
I am responding to the article published in your newspaper, on March 26, 2011, written by two Rush Township auditors, apparently, on behalf of two Rush Township supervisors.
Let me clarify the fact that Rush Township has three supervisors and three auditors. It would appear that the two named supervisors do not consult with or include the third supervisor, as a member of the board. I have noticed a lot of strange meeting dates and hours within the last year or so. Special meetings and some regular meetings have been scheduled, seemingly, at the convenience of these two mentioned supervisors. All meetings should be at the convenience of ALL THREE supervisors. The voters elected three individuals to govern the township, NOT two. The same goes for ALL THREE auditors. Their exclusion of the third supervisor and third auditor should send a message to the voters. The two auditors and two supervisors should cease their childish actions. Get with the program you people and stop degrading our township with your nonsense of criticizing the public who attend meetings and start acting like adults. Even though the three supervisors might not agree on all issues, the three of you should be at every meeting. Not like the 2011 reorganization meeting held on Jan. 3, 2011, at 10 a.m., and only two supervisors were present. I hope the Rush Township voters realize your childish actions and send you a very loud message on May 17.
Auditors are elected to do the job they have the responsibility to do under the second class township code. So, auditors, instead of writing a letter to the newspapers, do your job and stop playing games and costing our township $10,000-plus every year, for a professional firm to do your job.
Residents requesting to view bills, documents, minutes, treasurer's reports, etc. or copies of same, have a right to do so, under the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know and Open Records Law. These people making requests are NOT costing the township any money. They are paying for their copies. What IS COSTING the township money is when elected officials or employees attempt to circumvent the law. They apparently consult the solicitor, taking his time for consultations needlessly in an attempt NOT to show or give copies to residents. What are these individuals hiding? The public has a right to speak at meetings regarding their concerns. The supervisors have taken away that right. The only items the public can question are items on the agenda, and take a look at the agenda, it is short. This leaves the public not speaking and not asking for records. I ask the people of Rush Township, do we live in a Democracy or a Dictatorship? You the voters, decide what type of government you want in Rush Township on May 17. I would hope you would want a change in leadership, because what we have is not acceptable.
Voters, I am sure you realize you real estate taxes were increased by 3 mills, within the last three years. What visible improvements have been made to our roads and streets? Our township has never had such deplorable roads and streets in the history of our township. It would appear our supervisors are more concerned about spending thousands of dollars on a website, then making needed road and street repairs. The township office is closed every Wednesday to make website entries for a "treasure trove" of information, which again, is costing taxpayers money, because they have employed a firm to perform this work.
William D. Boyer
Rush Township