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Published April 16. 2011 09:00AM


I found myself doing something I wouldn't have done two years ago while I was watching the Masters Golf Tournament last weekend. I was cheering for Tiger Woods to lose. After the events in his life the past two years I no longer want to see him eclipse Jack Nicklaus' record for most victories in major tournaments.

You just knew that Congress was going to okay a budget at the last minute, didn't you?

I'll be shocked if gasoline isn't $4 a gallon by Memorial Day. I won't even be that surprised if it's $5.

I'm thinking Barry Bonds got off with a wrist slap.

Instead of spending millions on the bombings of Libya, I don't know why we couldn't have infiltrated Gadhafi's inner circle and taken him out.

Thinking of retiring early? Don't mention that to U.S. Federal Judge Wesley Brown of Wichita, Kansas. He's 103, and still presiding over his courtroom five days a week.

Who are the left wingers going to pick on now that Glen Beck isn't going to be on the Fox network any more?

Tasty Baking Co. of Philadelphia, makers of TastyKakes, Kandy Kakes and Krimpets, has been sold to a Georgia food company for $165 million.

Hope the new owners return to the original recipe for Kandy Kakes. They were my favorites as a kid, but, for some reason, they haven't tasted the same for the past several years.

Maybe it's time to take Donal Trump seriously, when he says he's interested in running for president.

It's been six weeks now, and I find myself reading less and less about the NFL lockout. I just have a problem relating to millionaires battling even richer millionaires over billions of dollars.

If you ever get a chance to see Ronan Tynan, the Irish Tenor, in concert, make sure you seize the opportunity. He's terrific.

The best sports talk show on television is ESPN's Pardon the Interruption (PTI), with Tony Kornheiser and Mike Wilbon. Second best show is one I seldom get to see because of work it's Mike and Mike in the Morning with Mike Golic and Mike Greenberg.

A happy 50th wedding anniversary to Ralston and Millie Glatz. May they have many more.

The story that intrigued me the most this week are the lads who broke into Heisler's Dairy Bar in Walker Township this week and stole only ice cream. That tells you something about how good Heisler's ice cream is, if some people are willing to steal it. Hope they got home before it melted. And once police apprehend them, we're betting that all the evidence will have been consumed.

It's sad that Lehighton won't be fielding an American Legion baseball team this year, after only eight players signed up to be a part of the team. Hard to believe there aren't 16 boys out there, from three different school districts, who want to play summer baseball.

Easter Egg hunts are one of the joys of springtime. Glad to see so many organizations sponsoring them for the younger set.

A lot of people will be sweating this weekend, rushing to meet the Monday deadline filling out their income tax forms.

And while on the subject of income tax, what would you do if, after filing your tax return, you get an e-mail from an IRS address seeking personal data? Would you click on the line the e-mail to get details; provide the requested information via e-mail, or delete the message unless it's clearly a reply to an e-mail that you sent the IRS? The answer is the third one delete the message as quickly as possible.

Can't wait to see the orange and black banners flying in Coaldale, thanks to the efforts of the Coaldale Lions and Bill Gaddes. The borough's heritage will be displayed with great dignity.

Congratulations to my old Coaldale teammate, Dr. Richard Miller, who will be inducted into the Carbon County Sports Hall of Fame in May. Rich has had a terrific athletic and professional career. He's much deserving of the honor.

Why would anyone want to buy tickets to go see Charlie Sheen in his "Violent Torpedo of Truth" gig? He's embarrassing enough in real life.

The new movie, "Arthur" looks from its previews to be one of the worst films ever made.

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