Tamaqua sweeper schedules operations
The Tamaqua Street Department will continue its Spring cleaning of the borough's streets. Sweeping on Thursdays and Fridays will continue to have a start time of 5 a.m.in an effort to minimize traffic disruptions on the borough's mani streets, with all other days' operations scheduled to begin at 7 a.m.
This week's schedule will include: Wednesday, the sweeper will be found on Mountain Ave., Greenwood to Clark; Swatara, Van Gelder to Mahanoy; South Nescopec, Van Gelder to Mahanoy; Cottage Ave., Center to RT209; Nescopec, Franklin to West Elm.
Thursday's schedule will include: south side of Broad, Maff Motors to west borough line; South Railroad, Broad to Spruce; Center, Broad to south SR309 bridge; North Railroad, Broad to north SR309 bridge; West Elm, Pitt to Yetten Circle; Arlington, Greenwood to Laurel; Schuylkill Ave., Greenwood to RT309N; Glenwood Ave., Market to Clark.
Due to the Good Friday holiday, the sweeper will not be in operation this Friday.
Streets will be posted in advance and parking will be prohibited. Vehicles not moved from posted streets at least two hours before the sweeper starts operations are subject to ticketing and towing. Street sweeping will continue as needed and the schedule is subject to change depending on work schedules and weather conditions.
For further information, call (570) 668-3444 or 668-0300, or visit Tamaqua Borough Hall, 320 E. Broad St., Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m..