Working people suffer
Dear Editor:
In response to the letter to the editor "Welfare People Suffer." I would like to outline what many working people "suffer."
I am not on welfare. When I need something I save money or I go without. I work 40 hours a week. My wife also does cleaning homes. We make it. We do not get to go out as much as we would like but our bills are paid. Sure, there are things we would like to do but there are choices to be made.
Take a ride past any low income housing development and look at the vehicles some drive. Look at how they dress. They are dressed better than I am.
How many cell phones do welfare people have? It appears to me one is too many since I do not own one as I cannot afford the additional cost.
Let's have more babies - more babies - more benefits.
My health insurance is a benefit of my salary. They are deductibles I have to pay. If I get sick I try to take care of it myself to save costs. However, those on welfare use the emergency room as their general practitioner. Those of us who have health insurance are fortunate to have medical benefits. Most do not have dental and vision but the sky is the limit for those on welfare - all is taken care of.
It is my belief that a requirement for welfare benefits should be drug testing - let us see what that would yield.
It is time to start giving the working class person a break in this country. We bear the expense for the welfare. We sacrifice to make our ends meet.
I pay my way through life. It is hard but I do it.
Boo hoo for the welfare recipients who have made the system a way of life instead of what it is intended for: help for a limited time.
Working stiff,
Jack Zanders,