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Summit Hill News

Published December 01. 2011 05:01PM

Summit Hill

Lions Club

The Summit Hill Lions Club will hold its annual Christmas party on Sunday, Dec. 11, at The Lantern, Nesquehoning.

The event will start with a social from 5-6 p.m., followed by dinner.

Members participating are asked to make their reservation with Judy Midas by the Dec. 6 deadline.

Food pantry

The Summit Hill Food Pantry will hold a mini pantry on Tuesday, Dec. 6, from 10-11 a.m. Persons reporting for assistance must have their own tote bags to pack their own food. They are reminded no parking will be allowed in the alley adjacent to the pantry (Summit Hill Heritage Center, Chestnut and Hazard streets) before 9:45 a.m., due to deliveries. Also, no parking will be allowed in the lot behind the pantry.

The pantry will hold its regular monthly pantry service on Tuesday, Dec. 20, from 10 a.m. to noon. The above parking information also relates to this date.

Persons seeking assistance are also reminded help is needed to carry food boxes and other items from the pantry to vehicles since assistance is limited.

Presbyterian Church

The Hope of Christ Presbyterian Church, formerly the First Presbyterian Church of the Panther Valley, Summit Hill, will hold its regular worship service on Sunday, Dec. 4, at 10:30 a.m. The Sunday school will meet at 9 a.m. and an adult Bible study will take place at the same time.

Holy Communion will be celebrated at the worship service.


VFW Ladies Auxiliary

The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to Nesquehoning Memorial VFW Post 8008 was held on Tuesday, Nov. 8 with President Amanda Breiner presiding.

Several members reported on projects, including buying pins for nursing home residents, making a wreath for Veterans Day services and donating to Trees for Troops. The "Wreaths Across America" project was to be completed by Thanksgiving.

All members who have not yet paid their dues should do so prior to Dec. 15, when dues will increase.

The Voice of Democracy Program has concluded at Panther Valley High School. The first place winner will be sent to District 20 for further competition.

The next district meeting will be Sunday, Feb. 19, and will be hosted by East Stroudsburg.

The second annual Children's Christmas party, for children and grandchildren of members, will be held on Sunday, Dec. 11 at 1 p.m. A sign up sheet is posted at the Post Home and the deadline to sign up is Dec. 3. All children must be preregistered.

The annual auxiliary Christmas party will be held on Thursday, Dec. 15 at Lengyel's Restaurant, beginning at 5:30 p.m. A brief business meeting will be held followed by dinner. All members are encouraged to attend. Contact Maureen Hirochek at (570) 669-9578 by Dec. 11 for reservations.

NCFC ladies auxiliary

The Ladies Auxiliary to the New Columbus Fire Company will hold its Christmas party on Dec. 13 at 6 p.m. at Macaluso's.

Gifts are optional.

Conservation Club

The December meeting of the Nesquehoning Conservation Club will be held Wednesday, Dec. 7 at 6:30 p.m. at Maple Shade Meadows.

Election of officers will be held at this time.

Members are also reminded to bring their Redners Save-A-Tapes so they can be turned in for 2011.

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