Tamaqua season tickets
The Tamaqua Area School District Athletic Department is offering the following season ticket packages for the 2011-12 winter athletic seasons:
* JV/Var. Boys Basketball Adults $35; Students $15 (11 Home Games)
* JV/Var. Girls Basketball Adults $30; Students $15 (10 Home Games)
* JH/Var. Wrestling Adults $15; Students $8 (5 Home Matches)
* Individual All Sports Passes for 2011-12 school year Adults $50; Students $25
Tickets may be purchased in the high school office between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and also at Meet the Raider Night on December 5th.
Ticket prices at the gate for all varsity events where admission is charged is $4 for adults and $2 for students.