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Dona Nobis Pacem grant unto us peace

Published December 12. 2011 11:25AM

When I attended public high school in Canada, it was expected that everyone in an academic or science curriculum would learn Latin.

As could be expected, we students hated the thought of another language class. Why should be learn a dead language? We were already forced to take French and English, so Latin would be a third useless language in the opinion of my new classmates. Imagine our surprise when our first Latin class consisted solely of learning a 2000-year-old Roman Legionnaires song that was sung as a round, Dona Nobis Pacem.

It was the beginning of my most enjoyable year of Latin (and was followed by four miserable years with other Latin teachers). Before proceeding with the rest of this article, take a few minutes and listen to this wonderful song at;feature=related). Now onto the rest of the article.

Al-Takeyya is the component of Islam that permits Muslims to lie and deceive non-Muslims without repercussions and with Allah's blessing. I believe that our forces were deliberately misled by Pakistan using the concept of Al-Takeyya prior to our attack on an Al Qaeda stronghold. In good faith, our military contacted Pakistan, loyal Afghani troops and other allies to ensure that there were no friendly troops in the area. Pakistan gave us the all clear and we attacked. Unfortunately, 24 Pakistani soldiers were killed as they were not where they were supposed to be.

In my personal opinion, Pakistan deceived the United States to create an international incident. This incident enabled Pakistan to force the United States to discontinue some operations from Pakistani bases. Pakistan gains face with the other Muslim countries in the Middle East and they get to keep our funding.

In the last few years, we provided Pakistan with $22 billion in aid. In return, they allowed us to use air bases and claimed to assist us in the war on terrorism. How can the Pakistanis support us on one hand and then deceive us on the other hand? The answer is in the Koran, which states that Muslims can pretend to befriend infidels (Christians, etc.) if it is in the Muslim's best interest.

"Let not the believers take for friends or helpers unbelievers rather than believers; if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah, except by way of prevention that ye may guard yourselves from them. But Allah cautions you to remember Himself for the final goal is to Allah". Surah 3:28

The concept of Al-Takeyya permits them to take our money, then violate the agreements with us. They can publicly support the U.S. and secretly support Muslim terrorists, or vice versa. Our politicians continue to throw money at the Pakistanis in the hope that the Pakistanis will see the error of their ways.

History shows us that one cannot buy friends. We can bribe the rulers of other countries with cash in Swiss bank accounts, but don't expect them to deliver when the chips are down. They will abandon us in a heartbeat if it is in the best interests of their leadership. In my opinion, Pakistan is well on the way to being a terrorist state.

In another incident, Major Nidal Hasan killed 13 people in Fort Hood. Here is a case where an American Army psychiatrist did the unthinkable and attacked unarmed soldiers. Several other attacks by Muslims on U.S. soil were thwarted. Let me be very clear. The American Muslim community abhors these attacks.

In the past, patriotic Muslims have reported suspicious activity. As a result several potential disasters have been averted. Furthermore, there are over 3,500 Muslims serving in our armed forces protecting America and our allies at home and abroad.

We can compare militant Muslim radicals to the Irish Republican Army (IRA). When I was younger, I remember when the IRA terrorized Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom. The IRA received some financial support from countries such as Canada, Australia and yes, the United States. They initially fought for freedom from British rule.

In 1921 Southern Ireland was partitioned from Northern Ireland. In 1922 the independent country, the Republic of Ireland was founded. That should have ended the bloodshed. However the IRA continued attacks in Northern Ireland and England, hoping to bring about the reunification of Ireland as an independent country (Eire).

It wasn't until 1979 that "the Troubles" ended. Thousands of people were killed and even more maimed by IRA bombs. The "Irish Problem", as the British called it, pitted one Christian against another.

So it is with Islam today, one Muslim against another. Just this week, there were two separate suicide bombings by Sunni Muslims in Afghanistan that killed 55 Shiite Muslims. It is estimated that between 600,000 and two million people were slaughtered in the last 35 years. The Russians attempted to stabilize the region and failed. We started Operation Enduring Freedom on October 7, 2001. Since then, about 2,000 American soldiers have been killed.

In 2010 alone, over 3,300 Americans were wounded by Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). As I write this our brave soldiers, sailors and airmen and women are fighting this God forsaken war, with no hope of victory. The Taliban remains strong and is boldly attacking our troops wherever and whenever they can.

Like the "Irish Problem", it may take many decades to resolve the Afghani conflict. Our soldiers are too valuable to be wasted in Afghanistan. It is time to bring them home. I understand that our withdrawal may result in a revival of terrorism in Muslim countries. I believe that it would be better to build stronger antiterrorism techniques herein United States.

We should also put every country that harbors terrorists on notice that if one of their nationals attacks the United States of America we will respond swiftly and with deadly accuracy. Instead of putting our troops at risk on the ground, we should send our long-range bombers to retaliate with a "surgical" strike.

I understand that many innocent people in countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran may lose their lives in our retaliatory air attacks. This may sound cold, but as long as they continue to kill Americans, then we must retaliate. Eventually, these rogue nations will learn to seek out and destroy terrorists before they can do harm to the United States or any other country in the free world.

Two weeks ago 45 Christians were killed by Muslim troops in Barkin Ladi, Nigeria. There was no one to protect them and no one to apprehend the murderers. The death squads achieved their purpose as most Christians left town. I don't see anyone standing up to defend these Christians. If they were Muslims there would have been a loud outcry from the rest of the world. It is clear to me that Christian massacres are ignored while attacks on Muslims are overemphasized.

I am sure that I will get a lot of criticism for my opinion. I expect to be called anti-Muslim and a racist. Both are untrue. I spent several years in the Middle East and still have friends in the region. My issue is not with Muslims, but with radical Islamists who seek to destroy Christians, Muslims, and any other people of a different sect or faith.

I don't want anyone to be killed by terrorists nor do I want to have to respond to terrorist attacks. Muslims, Christians and Jews all worship the same God. Our single God is a God of peace. My Christmas wish is that there will be peace on earth and good will toward all men and women in my lifetime. Dona Nobis Pacem!

This is one wish that needs to become a reality, the sooner the better.

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