Palmerton High School Class of 1956 hosts 55-year reunion
Members of the Palmerton High School Class of 1956 gathered for a 55-year reunion on Oct. 8 at the Blue Ridge Country Club. Thirty-three classmates were present. Those attending included, front from left, Lois (Buck) Walton, Joan (Shuster) Turko, Carol (Hahn) Simcoe, Anita (Pelosi) Harry, Mary (Gulla) Haja, Theresa (Hadinger) Kresge and Marlene (Kresge) Greenwood. Second row, George Grohotolski, Ruth (Haydt) Warner, Donna (Wagner) Merkel, Grace (Visnosky) Ashner, Margaret (Griffith) Ward, Alice (Eckhart) Frable, Annette (Halmi) Wargo and Jim Beers. Third row, Edward Kravetz, Barbara (Lentz) Ruch, Marveline Costenbader, Barbara (Hauser) Kreidler, Janet (Matuska) Snyder, Pat (Serfass) Silcox, Frank Hessinger, Richard Beers and Terry Eckert. Fourth row, Robert Newell, Richard Solt, Nancy (Szakacs) Herzog, the Rev. Robert Daneker, Anthony Harry, Charles Martin, Nancy (WilKer) Fitch, George Green and Richard Dunbar.