Me and teddy bear
I peer out the window,
And gaze at movement far away.
Grown-ups rushing past me
All throughout the day.
The land is full of wonder
And discoveries rare and true.
So much of it is puzzling,
To a child only two.
Teasing voices make me smile,
Despite potential danger.
Which helping hand shall I learn trust
When all the world's a stranger?
They say it's almost Christmas,
Whatever that might mean.
For a toddler it's much harder
To imagine sights unseen.
I'll try to learn, I'll try to grow
In that busy land out there.
But I'd rather snuggle 'neath my quilt,
Me and teddy bear.
Teddy isn't real, I know
But his friendship can inspire.
He wants me to do all things good -
And be the spark that lights the fire.
So let me chase after butterflies,
Though I'll lose the race -
But if I make you laugh and cry,
The world's a better place.
Let me shower those I meet
With rainbows from within.
Let me heal every broken soul
Simply with my grin.
Let me stay where it's nice and warm,
Let me have no cares.
Let me sing and jump and play
With sugar plums and pears.
Teach me how to say hello,
And reach for whirligigs up high.
Let me play with every toy
Before I wave bye-bye.
One thing is for certain -
Too soon I will grow old.
The days will change; the sun will set
The hearth turns dark and cold.
So in the meantime and evermore
Let me feel the joy.
My eyes are young; my heart is happy,
I am just a boy.
Donald R. Serfass