Packers vs. Steelers: Soup from Green Bay takes on mac 'n cheese from Pittsburgh
With the Super Bowl coming up on Sunday, Steeler Nation fans across America have already begun planning their game day menus and their win over the opposing Cheese Heads.
Want to know what the hottest chefs from Green Bay and Pittsburgh will be serving their fellow fans and friends on game day?
From Pittsburgh: Avenue B's chef/owner Christopher Bonfili will be serving Steeler Nation fans and friends Pittsburgh Kielbasa & Bacon Braised Cabbage Mac 'n Cheese. This rich, hearty, warm and spicy recipe features local favorites kielbasa and fiery Tabasco. This dish is hearty enough to sooth any rowdy Steelers fan.
From Green Bay: Hinterland's Chefs Ben Raupp and Kelly Qualley will dish up Green Bay Beer and Cheese Soup to their guests. This hearty, warm and spicy soup calls for Tabasco sauce for added flavor and turmeric to turn the soup a golden color. And with green onions as garnish, you have a soup that is perfect for Packer fans.
In the spirit of super competition (and delicious food), here are the recipes from these rival cities to let partygoers choose which recipe scores!