Polk Township news
PVE Toys for Tots
The Toys for Tots drive held at Pleasant Valley Elementary was very successful this year. Approximately 1,200 toys were collected from PVE. The toys were distributed throughout all of Monroe County.
Thanks to all who donated toys and those who helped in any way.
Planet Learn
There will be a Kindergarten Family Activity Night on Monday, Feb. 7 at Pleasant Valley Elementary School from 6-7:30 p.m. Registration will begin at 5:45 p.m. Presentation and activities will begin promptly at 6 p.m. Kindergarten students and their parents are invited to attend. The fall program was a huge success for parents and students. The school looks forward to kindergarten students and families attending these activity sessions to support reading, writing and math instruction at home. The sessions for parents and students will include activities to support these topics:
1. Letter Sounds
2. Blending and Reading Three/Four Letter Words
3. Segmenting and Beginning Spelling Three/Four Sound Words
4. Practicing Reading High Frequency Words at Home
5. Practicing Guided Reading at Home
6. Incorporating Math and Reading at Home
Birthday wishes
Happy 21st birthday to Tighe Meckes on Feb. 9.