Vick should never own another dog
Dear Editor:
President Obama recently phoned the Philadelphia Eagles owner, Jeffrey Lurie, and commended him for giving Michael Vick a 'second chance'. Now Mr. Vick says he wants another dog.
Society would never allow a child molester or a very violent person to adopt a vulnerable child, so we should never be in favor of allowing as severe an animal abuser as Vick is to adopt a vulnerable animal.
Michael Vick has admitted to forcing dogs to fight to the death, and being responsible for or personally hanging, shooting and drowning gentle dogs who were unwilling to fight. That was his way of punishing an innocent being who did not live up to his expectations or demands. It would be far too dangerous to trust a vulnerable dog with him should he lose his temper, because the puppy or dog did not follow orders or displeased him. Our responsibility as animal guardians is to protect other species, not purposely put them in harm's way.
Vick was never "sorry" for what he did to the animals. His only regret was getting caught. He should have never been allowed to play football again. That sends the message to our children that abuse is OK, as long as you're powerful or rich enough to get away with it.
Allowing him to ever again have ANY animal would be yet another abomination - a blatant approval of his past abuses, and a permission for him to abuse again, which he surely will.
Ms. Karen Kirchdoerfer
1831 Hemming Way