A big improvement
Dear Editor:
On Monday, Dec. 20, the Lansford Food Pantry opened its doors at their new location - Trinity Lutheran Church, 104, E. Abbott St., Lansford. What a fabulous improvement over their former location. Not only was the building comfortable and warm, but the operations to serve the public seemed to much improved.
Betty Pearson, Beth Dailey and their team of workers and volunteers have changed their methods of distribution to make things faster and more economical. In their old location, besides the cold metal chairs, leaking roof and long lines to get the help you needed, you had your boxes or bags filled with almost anything whether or not you wanted it. Perhaps you received a can of shredded spinach and you not ever use it.
Under Betty and Beth's new system, when you enter you get a number, then you are called up to register. Now here is where the efficiency and economics come to play. You are directed to a line of tables covered with white table clothes and the piles of fresh canned or boxed foods are set up. A worker/volunteer on the other side of this bounty of foods walks along with you letting you know how many of each item to take. From the economical standpoint, if there is an item that you won't use or care for you just pass by. That way there is no waste and someone who may have wanted it can get it if the pantry is short of the item. By the time you pass the last table you have what you need and want. No waste!
The whole new streamed line operations is faster and better than the operations at the old location.
A big kudos should be given to Betty, Beth and the whole crew for putting together this new and better service for the people of Lansford. Thanks to all of you, great job!
Henry O. Malmquist
Lansford, Pa.