Let the games begin
Dear Editor:
It never ceases to amaze me how quick some "die-hard" fringe left Dems are to holler - " The Republicans are going to cut Social Security".
Give me a break - where was this idiot when his buddy O'Bama got into office, one of the first things he did was CUT SOCIAL SECURITY. No raise for Social Security Recipients - not for only ONE year - NO - for THREE years. The first time ever - no annual raise for Social Security since it came into existence. Not a word from the "Bush" basher's about how the Dems cut Social Security . But hey - that's O.K. - there was no cost of living increase. Really? Medicare went up, every other insurance premium went up - oil and gas is higher now than when Bush was in office - how come no increase? How come the silence on that. Yet - he gave bailouts of billions to the bankers, insurance companies, General Motors, but none for the seniors... hmmm.
The Republicans didn't even get into their seats yet and this Yahoo - spouts off about the new Speaker! Yet when his boy O'Bama was running for President - on many occasions O'bama started his campaign speech by telling everyone he had campaigned in ALL FIFTY SEVEN STATES !! Huh? What school did this guy go to? Last time I looked we still have only FIFTY! Not a word about that from this guy. And B.H.O. was running for President of those 57 States.. Perhaps he thinks there are 57 also.
The new talk now is "civility" - really - does that mean it's civil if I agree with you but if not then I am uncivil. Give me a break. As the old saying goes - it's the "Same old Song" !!!
When Bush left office he had his last two years with a Democrat House of Representatives. Doesn't anybody remember the Dems threw the Republicans out in 2006? They were going to straighten everything out. By the way - it's the House that passes the Budget not the President - Yep - the House passed it AND Bush signed it - that was a JOINT EFFORT. BUT all I have ever heard was Bush's fault.. hmmm.
This week Tom Corbett became the new Governor of Pennsylvania. Let's watch how this blame game goes - Rendell left him with a $4Billion Dollar plus budget shortfall. Where does he go to get that? Let the games begin !!!!!!!
Glad to see Democracy is still working. Only in America could you still do this.
H. Miller, Sr.,