Obey the driving code
Dear Editor:
This is about the woman from Mahanoy City that was hit by a car while she was crossing the street, about a week ago.
The story in the papers, said the man driving the car, an elderly man, was going north on Main Street. He was making a right turn onto Centre Street. The man had the green light to go.
The woman was crossing Centre Street because she had the right of way. The light was red for her to cross over. The story said she was about half way across the street when she was hit.
What I am getting at is this. The man should have stopped, if he saw her, because she had the right of way. I am doing the same thing at the five points intersection in Tamaqua. One day I stopped in the middle of the street and waved to the driver who was making the turn, to go on. The driver in the car stopped and told me that I had the right of way according to the State Vehicle Code. The man was a State Representative of Pennsylvania.
There are many drivers who do not obey the driving code one way or another. In Tamaqua, there are plenty of cars going through the red lights, speeding and making the wrong turns. I know because I like a lot of other people see it all the time in town.
Edward R. Rummel