Tamaqua wins Neifert Tournament
The Tamaqua Blue 9-year old team captured the championship of the 10th annual Edward Neifert Tournament hosted by Tamaqua Little League. There were eight teams in the tournament at Dutch Hill Field and Tamaqua Blue finished with a perfect 4-0 record, posting 10-run rule victories in every game. Tamaqua beat Cressona, 14-0 in the championship game. Members of the team include, front row, from left, Luke Van Buskirk, Carson Barron, Joe Minehan, Dante Agosti and Adam Rex. Back row, from left, Michael Minchoff, Nathaniel Noftz, Emily Titus, Emma Kuczynski, Jen Frederickson and Randy Steigerwalt. The team was coached by Chad Barron, Zig Kuczynski and Mike Van Buskirk.