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Broadening horizons

Published July 23. 2011 09:02AM

Every once in a while, I catch glimpses into other worlds. And for one tiny moment, I wonder, am I missing out? Should I be doing more to broaden my horizons?

*The theater.

Who doesn't love live theater? Whether it's Broadway, off-Broadway, a playhouse production, even school performances, I love being entertained by talented people.

Last night I attended a performance of "Pride and Prejudice" at the Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival at Desales University. For two and a half hours, I was transported back to England in the beginning of the 19th century as the actors spoke in refined, cultured voices and dressed in period costume. It was a most entertaining evening.

I was in awe of the actors. If mistakes were made, I never saw or heard them. And what really made me appreciate their performance is, tonight, the same actors will be performing William Shakespeare's "Hamlet." These people have memorized two very difficult and very wordy plays to perform one day after another! How on earth do they do it?

One of the ladies I sat with, her name is Pat, told me she has been performing in community theater since she was a young girl. A grandmother now, she still loves to act. She says it's getting a little harder because there aren't many parts out there for someone of her mature age but she will continue as long as she can find the parts.

I performed in a few plays in my youth and sang a few solos. Sometimes I wonder if I should have pursued doing community theater. Am I missing out?

Oh wait. I can't remember to pick milk up on my way home. Guess I'll just content myself with being a member of the audience.


Working in Palmerton, almost daily I see hikers from the Appalachian Trail who come into town to spend the night or to freshen up, grab supplies or a meal. One day we passed one as we were driving up the Blue Mountain. His back pack was HUGE! Slightly bent, he had a scruffy beard and trudged along with a walking stick in 90 degrees plus.

"That does not look like he's having fun," I said.

Harry, who enjoys a good trek through the woods, disagreed.

"I bet he is. He's probably doing exactly what he wants to do."

I suppose he's right. But who would want to walk 15-20 miles a day on rocky terrain where you could encounter bears and snakes?

Hiking is not up there on my top 1,000 favorite things to do. I did hike a portion of the Appalachian Trail a few times in my younger days. So I can say, "Been there, done that." And I love and admire the beautiful natural world we live in. But today I'm content to view it from my car window and the most walking I like to do involves trekking through an air-conditioned mall.


Last night at the play, I heard snippets of conversations around me that went something like this ...

"We're leaving next week for Africa. I can't wait. We're going on a photography safari."

"When we were in Australia, there were more kangaroos and wallabies than people."

I always thought it would be wonderful to someday travel to foreign places and see the great sights of the world like the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the ruins in Rome, the Great Barrier Reef and the Hawaiian Islands.

I have been very fortunate to have traveled to the places that I have and I find that when I do have the opportunity to travel, I loved those places so much, I'm content to go back again and again, like the Caribbean islands, New England and the western states.

Driving home after the performance of "Pride and Prejudice" got me thinking about what I may be missing or have missed from my life ... the things I didn't do ... the places I have never seen.

Should I be doing more to broaden my horizons?

I do take advantage of opportunities to do so whenever I can.

But I also concluded that I am that most fortunate of creatures ... the one who is very content with her life.

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