No compromise
Dear Editor:
In order to correct a problem shouldn't the problem first be correctly identified? Doesn't this task seem nearly impossible when it comes to fixing our country?
At first glance I would say that between the amount of apathy amongst the general population and the lack of understanding about how our government is supposed to operate, restoring freedom and prosperity to this nation will be next to impossible. It will take a mass awakening and I regret to conclude that this shift in consciousness will probably only come about after it is way too late and people are already rioting in the streets.
I will attempt to lay out the problem as I see it and if you agree with me, it is your DUTY to take action.
"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty!" - Thomas Jefferson.
I will use a local example to show you that our system is broken beyond repair and it is everybody's job to put their shoulder to the wheel and begin anew. Our founding fathers broke free from an oppressive government and formed a constitutional republic. This was a free society run by a moral people and America quickly became the most prosperous and envied country in the world.
We have completely lost track of the principles that have given us all so much and without those principles we are on the brink of losing everything, including our lives. The sooner we accept this fact, the better our chances are of surviving the upcoming calamity.
These principles, which are all brilliantly laid out in our constitution, are not to be compromised for any reason whatsoever because if you allow just one God given right to be taken away it opens the door for all of the others until you are licking the boots of your master.
The local example I am talking about is the recent decision by Judge Steven R. Serfass that Carbon County residents do not have the "Right to Know" the source of the legal authority necessary to develop the Packerton Yards Project. It appears that all an elected leader has to do is pull the attorney-client privilege card (which theoretically should only apply to private citizens and not to public servants) and those elected to a position of public trust don't have to tell us anything. And then the court system completely supports this behavior.
It seems the Right to Know request should be changed to the You Only Have the Right to Know What We Want to Tell You Which Is Nothing At All request. The first amendment of the US Constitution and Article I Section 20 of the Pennsylvania State Constitution clearly state that we can petition our government for redress of grievance. When that went completely ignored a state created Jeeky Jack Right to Know petition, which gives those in power enough outs to not tell you anything, was filed and denied on the county and state level.
All Mr. Dages wanted to know was where in the make up of our government does the county get the authority to take our money and use it to compete against private business. Wait a minute here, don't the solicitor, the commissioners and the judge all work for us, the citizens of this county?
If your boss at your job asked you what you were doing with the money you received for the company's products and you told him it's none of his business what would happen to you? Isn't this the same thing? Do I blame those in power? Yes, but you have to understand that this has been business as usual for a very long time.
Our elected leaders are bound by an oath but if that means nothing to You why should it mean anything to them. This is a societal problem. Our elected leaders come from our homes and from our families. They go to our schools and to our churches. They are us.
Until we change the way we see government these kinds of abuses will continue until the state has consumed us and totally enslaved us if they haven't already. I am raising my voice, when will you raise yours? Those who remain silent during times of oppression take the side of the oppressor!" - Desmond Tutu
Gene Duffy
Jim Thorpe