Coal Region Rockies win tournament
Coal Region Rockies 13U travel baseball team opened its 2011 tournament season with a championship win in the Memorial Meltdown Tournament at In The Net in Palmyra, PA. the weekend of May 28-29. The Rockies beat the Pro Swing Monarchs of Townsend, Delaware and Line Drive U of Hatfield in pool play and the Altoona Curve of Altoona in the semifinals. The Rockies beat the Clifton Park Bulldogs of Clifton Park, New York in the championship game with a final score of 4-1. Team members are, front row Zander Coleman. Second row, from left, Cary Bates, Russ Blaker, Owen Bates, Darren Goida, Rob Oliver and Seth Porpiglia. Third row, manager Justin Gutsie, Zak Coleman, Nick Seach, Kyle Rogers, Matt Minchhoff, Rob Hinkle, Sam Harman and Chris Minchhoff. Also on the team were Tom Blaker and Dante Biasi.