Why a win/lose atmosphere?
Dear Editor:
This is in response to an article in the Times News on Thursday March 3, 2011 in the Nation/World section, as reported by an Associated Press journalist Andrew Taylor on the Continuing Resolution that has been extended for another two weeks to avoid a government shutdown.
The "headline" reads that the Republicans win the first budget skirmish. Why? Isn't this just the result of a bipartisan agreement between the democrats and republicans? Isn't this exactly what the people of this country want? I know I do. I want the two parties to reach reasonable agreements and to keep this country moving forward. We've had enough of this gridlock.
So why then is this functioning of the government being shown in a win/lose atmosphere? Why is the media/press trying to stir up trouble where there isn't any?
The fact is that the current administration has stated in the 2012 budget proposal that these cuts be enacted so how is it that the republicans have won? Won what? I think if anything the people have won. It seems that our elected officials have finally started to listen and coming to this bipartisan agreement is the result.
It's a shame that there are just some folks that want to continue the us against them frame of mind.
Janet Anderson
New Ringgold