A view about our Township of Rush
Dear Editor:
As the night follows the day, whenever elections come around, there is always a group of people who come out of the woodwork to start various rumors about the Rush Township supervisors. They do this for no apparent reason other than to stir up a pot of trouble. They have no constructive agenda in mind but rather are intent upon the politics of destruction.
If they did not think of it nor had no control over it then whatever is being done must be no good. It is always a small group of "concerned citizens" of the township who elect themselves as "watchdogs" of the township because they are either unable to get elected to do the job themselves or unwilling to run for election. They content themselves with harassing those supervisors who are elected with rumors and innuendo. It is very easy for them to start rumors and it can be very easy to believe those same rumors, if these rumors are said loud enough and long enough. Generally, however, it does not take much to dispel these rumors. The facts will do it every time. All it takes is a telephone call to the township office, where you are greeted by pleasant persons who are more than willing to assist anyone who seeks information from the township. Or, you could visit the new township website which has only recently been launched and already is a paragon for other communities to follow. This website is a treasure trove of information. Anyone who seriously wants the facts would take advantage of either of these opportunities.
From our view as township auditors, we see that both Steve Simchak and Robert Leibensperger are hard-working and honest supervisors who bring honesty and pride to our township. They are intent upon bringing improvements and responsible government to our community. However, like all of us, they are human. They may make mistakes along the way or perhaps do something which either you or I do not agree with, but they are truly supervisors for the right reasons. They do care about each and every resident of the township, even those who constantly harass them for everything that they do. They keep trying to do the right thing each and every day despite how easy it would be to just up and walk away from the lack of appreciation by some of our residents. Can we seriously ask for more from anyone who is an elected official?
As auditors, it is very exciting to see all the positive changes which these two gentlemen are bringing to our community. Some of these developments are infrastructure, technology, and public accessibility to township information. These are changes which have come about solely through the efforts of these two men who refuse to accept "government as usual" but rather try their very best to make a difference for each of us. Granted these men are not "perfect" in what they do but they try to do the best that they can and that is all we can ever ask. It is a shame that the "troublemakers" who insist upon perfection in our elected officials is all that they do cannot reflect upon their own actions to see that what they are doing is not saving the township money but rather costing the township monies which could be spent upon more positive and productive things. These people visit the township office almost daily, have non-stop requests for documents and copies in the office all in the hopes of trying to find the least little something to latch onto to harass the supervisors. They cost the township money in expended time to fill their never ending requests for records and copies. This time could be better spent in actually doing constructive work for the betterment of the township.
These people cost the township money for their nonsense because many times what they seek requires the review of the township solicitor. Once again, requests such as made by these select few should be judiciously made so that each person's right to make requests for records is not compromised but so that "fishing expeditions" come to an end for the betterment of our entire township.
Rush Townshipauditors
Carmen Forke,chairman
Wayne Taylor, secretary