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Chestnuthill column

Published March 30. 2011 05:00PM

Future PASR president

Former Pleasant Valley High School principal Frederick Hackett, Brodheadsville, is the president-elect of the Monroe Chapter of the Pennsylvania Association of School Retirees (PASR) for the 2011-2012 program year. Currently he is serving as program chair.

Two funerals

Effort UMC was the site for two funerals this past Friday. The first was for the Rev. Jack Rule, who served many area churches, including McMichaels and Effort UMC as well as Parryville UMC in Carbon County and Richmond UMC in Northampton County.

In the afternoon it was for Chris Kirby, who even though she was a wheelchair user, did the monthly newsletter for Effort UMC.

Busy Lioness

During the March meeting of the Western Pocono Lioness Club, the program was "Special Desserts and Fun & Games."

Several members will be attending the Lions District 14U convention being held this weekend.

Members have been invited to help or donate at the blood drive sponsored by the Western Pocono Lions Club from 1:30-6:30 p.m., March 31, at the American Legion Post home in Gilbert. They were also invited to participate in the April 9 bowl-a-thon the Lions are hosting or sponsor someone who is bowling.

Zone Chairman Charles Rush, who was a guest of honor at the meeting, thanked the Lioness for helping the Lions in a community service project: judging weekly newspapers. Thanks sent from PDG Bob Argot, chairman of the annual service project.

The membership discussed the community service work of West End Mission. An individual from that outreach group will be the featured speaker at the April 26 general Western Pocono Lioness Club meeting.

The club is also holding its 5th annual Holistic Fair from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., April 16 at the West End Fire Hall in Brodheadsville.

The Fun Bunch scheduled activities were announced and Lioness Tena Dabour agreed to serve as co-chair for the Sept. 25 annual luncheon and fashion show at Hideaway Hills, Kresgeville. Plans are also under way for the club's annual Breakfast with Santa at Salem UCC in Gilbert.

Rotary speaker

The West End Rotary Club breakfast meeting's speaker on Thursday, March 31, will be Richard Rothfleisch, M.D. His topic will be: Pulmonary/Sleep Medicine.

The club meets weekly on Thursdays at 7:30 a.m., at the Western Pocono Community Library.

Chestnuthill supers

The board of supervisors for Chestnuthill Township will meet at 7 p.m., Tuesday, April 5, in the municipal building.

Touch of Home

Operation: Touch of Home will meet at 7 p.m., Tuesday, April 5, at the American Legion Post home in Gilbert. For more information call Dean and Sharon Green at (570) 977-1724.

PV Band Parents

PV Band Parents will meet at 7 p.m., Thursday, April 7, at the high school.

Senior spelling bee

Monroe County Senior Spelling Bee will be held Thursday, April 21, from 1-3 p.m. at the Hughes Library Edinger Community Room. Those who are age 55+ are eligible. Prizes will be awarded, including a 1st prize of $100; 2nd $50. The spelling bee is sponsored by Hughes Library, RSVP & Area Agency on Aging. One must call the aging office at (570) 420-3735 for information and registration.

RSVP helps

As a countywide entity that helps various agencies with volunteers, RSVP becomes aware of many things that are needed. On the current needs list are the following: hotel size toiletries to package for the homeless; Weis Market tapes for local library; clean plastic grocery bags to crochet; unexpired food coupons for military families; clean yarn and fabric for lap robes, afghans, children's mats; clean baby yarn for hospital caps and blankets; craft items tiny flowers, colorful ribbons and miniature flower pots for senior art projects; handcrafted baby items; exercise DVDs; DVD movies.

Anyone having such items to donate can call the RSVP office at (470) 420-3747 to make donation arrangements.

30-hour famine

The youth at Effort UMC will be participating in a 30-hour famine again. This year it will go from April 29-30.

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