The End of an Era
Saturday May 7th was just another day for most, a sad day for others. Without much fanfare, a Mauch Chunk Landmark was demolished. Neither the Times News, Channel 13 nor the Hystorical Society were in attendance at the event. It was a sad day especially for those who love the same name as the place to go down, Kattner's Bar!
It was sort of like a wake, you were there to help with what you could but also to say a final goodbye. Tears were shed by some, hell probably every there, but everyone pitched in to do what was needed to get the job done, event hough it was a job from hell. All of us hated to see it go, it was the end of an era!
Many generations crossed the threshold in search of libation, conversation and comradery.
Now all is gone, only a pile of crumbs remain to be cleaned up. The place may be gone but they memories and friends made there will last a lifetime. All who helped know who spilled the last beer at the bar!
Life goes on, nothing is forever, I'm sure something will be coming soon! Anyhow when someone asks me, "Do you remember when that was Kattner's Bar? I'll answer, "Hell yeah! I used to drink there with my friends!"
A Native Chunker,
Pete Bott
E. Mauch Chunk