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Eagle Scout Brent Green installs playground

  • TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS Jyneal Green pins the Eagle badge onto her son, Brent Green, during his Eagle Scout Court of Honor Ceremony Sunday at St. John's Lutheran Church in Palmerton, while Brent's father, Mike Green, watches on.
    TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS Jyneal Green pins the Eagle badge onto her son, Brent Green, during his Eagle Scout Court of Honor Ceremony Sunday at St. John's Lutheran Church in Palmerton, while Brent's father, Mike Green, watches on.
Published November 05. 2011 09:01AM

He's climbed the highest of mountains and ascended to a level realized by few.

Joined by family and friends, Brent Green was honored last Sunday with an Eagle Scout Court of Honor at St. John's Lutheran Church in Palmerton.

During his speech, Brent thanked all those who assisted him with his project, whereby he installed the playground at the Stoney Ridge P.A.R.C. along Fireline Road in Lower Towamensing Township.

"To be this involved in his community at his age is a testimony to the guidance he has received, as well as his own character," said Kara Scott who attended the honor ceremony.

The program began with Colin Green, senior patrol leader. Scout Ben Everett followed with prayer.

Greg Gruber, master of ceremonies, led the presentation of our nations flag, followed by a rendition of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Gruber then welcomed Brent Green, Eagle Scout Court of Honor. Gruber then recognized several Eagle Scouts seated in the audience.

In order to attain the higher ranks in Scouting, Gruber said a scout must spend a great deal of time and effort.

Gruber alluded to the spirit of Scouting, which he said embodies the principles of the Scout Oath and Law, and is a "shining beacon of inspiration."

The first Scout rank in scouting is Tenderfoot, Gruber said. From there, a Scout can attain Second Class Scout; followed by First Class rank, he said.

A Scout must then gather six merit badges, which then leads to the Life Scout rank, followed by five more merit badges. They then must attain Eagle Summit, whereby they garner 10 more merit badges.

Gruber said there are 12 parts of the Scout Law, which were recited by fellow Scouts on hand: Trustworthy; Loyal: Helpful: Friendly; Courteous; Kind; Obedient; Cheerful; Thrifty; Brave; Clean; and Reverent.

The three parts of the Scout Oath are promises that will carry Scouts safely and securely as they travel down unknown paths in the future, Gruber said.

James Schneck, Scoutmaster, Palmerton Boy Scout Troop 20, introduced the Eagle Scout Challenge.

Schneck said the presentation of the Eagle Award "is an important, serious, and joyful event."

"Eagle is the highest rank in Boy Scouting, which only two to four percent of all Scouts earn each year," Schneck said. "It is important that each of us here today understands the meaning of the Eagle Badge."

The foremost responsibility of the Eagle Scout is to live with Honor; the second obligation is Loyalty; the third obligation is to be Courageous; and the fourth obligation is Service.

At that, Brent and his parents, Jyneal and Mike Green, stepped forward, at which time Brent took the pledge of Eagle Scout. His parents then pinned the Eagle badge onto Brent's uniform.

Brent then gave his speech.

"Thank you all for coming today," Brent said. "It's an honor and privilege to receive this."

"I hope you all continue with Scouts," he said. "The journey to Eagle is very rewarding."

Brent then presented Gruber with a mentor pin.

Several members of the audience offered special recognitions toward Brent.

Schneck praised Brent for his project, which began in May of 2009, and was completed the following May.

"His accomplishment with the playground was unbelievable; it was way above and beyond what any Eagle Scout would be expected to get done," Schneck said. "It's wonderful to see guys like Brent complete that."

Gruber said there's normally a certain length of time that goes into such a project.

"Brent's project was well over 10 times the amount; it really was an incredible feat by what he did," Gruber said. "He truly earned it, and it is quite a feat he did."

Gruber said Brent was only the troop's second Eagle Scout.

"Brent had the opportunity to be a leader; he had a lot riding on his shoulders," he said. "I think he was a fantastic role model for all these years."

Glen Hahn noted that Brent is also a firefighter for the Aquashicola Volunteer Fire Company, and recognized the township's Recreation Committee for their efforts.

"They got that thing rolling, and went out for the money," Hahn said. "It didn't cost the township one penny."

Hahn said the Stoney Ridge P.A.R.C. will be a real sight to behold once its completed.

"They won't see a nicer recreation area than what that (Stoney Ridge P.A.R.C.) will become," he said. "For a young guy to start that from the groundwork on up; I'd like to congratulate you, Brent."

On behalf of Brent and his family, as well as Troop 20, Gruber thanked those in attendance.

Cake and refreshments were then served.

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