Polk column
Salem St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Personal Care Kits are being assembled by Salem St. Paul's Lutheran Church's Sunday School, Kresgeville, for Lutheran World Relief to distribute to people in disaster areas.
Each kit will contain: one dark colored bath-size towel, two bath-size bars of soap in original wrapping, one adult-size toothbrush in original wrapping, one sturdy comb, one metal nail clipper with attached file. Please collect and donate as many items as you can.
Bring the items to church during the month of November and put them in a collection box in the lobby.
Altar Guild members are asked to sign up to serve on the guild for 2012. If possible please sign up for two months during the year. The schedule is in a file in the church sacristy. New members are needed and welcome.
A job description is available and training is provided. Please see Pat Held or Sue Potts with any questions.
First Communion class for grades one and up, and a parent, started on Saturday, Nov. 19, from 9 a.m.-11 a.m. Call the church office at (610) 681-5191 to register, as there is still time.