No good deed goes unpunished
Dear Editor:
I am sure your readers are aware of the dress code that was recently implemented in the Palmerton Area School District, I would like to take this opportunity to inform your readers of an incident last week that involved my granddaughter.
A student in my granddaughter's class was wearing a shirt that is classified as an "inappropriate shirt" (skull on shirt) and was sent to the office to be dealt with by the principal. Someone from the office then called the student's classroom teacher and notified him that the student was being sent to "in school suspension" and that someone should bring the student's books to the office. My granddaughter was in this class and felt bad for the student - so what does she do - she sends a shirt to the office so the girl can change and come back to class.
Most of us would say, ahhhhhhhh that was nice of her to lend the student a shirt. After all now the child could go back to her class, now the child would be able to take the two tests that were scheduled for that day. What a nice kid to do something like that! Well unfortunately that is not how it ended.
My granddaughter was sitting in her Cultures class when the principal came to the door and pulled out the teacher and my granddaughter - the principal interrupted an "accelerated American Cultures Class" with about 30 children in it for this nonsense. The principal sarcastically called my granddaughter "Miss Good Deed" and then proceeded to reprimand her for giving the other student a shirt to wear. The principal told my granddaughter she should have stayed out of it, to let the kids get in trouble. She told my granddaughter that she did WRONG.
For 12 years I have taken my grandchildren to church and Sunday School, I have taught them to have a "Christian Heart", to lend a helping hand when ever you can, and to always, always treat others as you would want them to treat you. How dare the principal tell her she did wrong.
What on earth is she teaching our children? Certainly not to look out for each other.
What is going on in this school district? It appears that the principal has her priorities mixed up. It appears she is more concerned that she missed the opportunity to discipline this child. It appears that educating our children is not her first priority!
I encourage everyone that has children in the Palmerton Area School District to attend the next meeting regarding the dress code on Sept 29th, at the Parkside Elementary School. When children are being reprimanded for doing a "good deed" (looking out for a fellow student), something is wrong and it is not my granddaughter.
Denise M. Koons