100th Anniversary Mass
Bishop John Barres will be the main celebrant and homilist at the 100th anniversary Mass on Sunday, Oct. 16, at 3 p.m. at SS. Peter and Paul Church, Tamaqua.
Concelebrants will be Father William Linkchorst, pastor; and Msgr. Daniel Yenushosky, parish son of SS. Peter and Paul and pastor of Holy Trinity Church, Whitehall.
The choir, directed by Susan Baddick, also organist, will provide music for the liturgy. Lectors will be seminarian John Rother and Joseph Mehalko. Gift bearers and the parish organizations they represent are: Joseph Ligenza, Holy Name Society; Rosemary Gibas, Ladies Auxiliary; Maryann Androkitis, Rosary Society; Alice Miller, Eucharistic ministers; William Savage, choir; Thomas Lacek, lectors; and Edward Puckalavage, ministers of hospitality.
Linda Barnisky and Suzanne Yuschock will be the guitarists for the liturgy. Knights of Columbus Father Henry Baker Council No. 2711 will provide an honor guard.
Msgr. Yenushosky will be the guest speaker at the banquet and Bishop Barres will offer remarks. Father Linkchorst will offer welcoming comments and Father James Bechtel, pastor, St. Jerome Church, Tamaqua, will pray the invocation. Father Stephen Halabura, friend of the parish and now retired to Holy Family Villa for Priests, Bethlehem, will pray the benediction.
Ligenza will offer a toast and Bernadette Griffiths will be master of ceremonies. Baddick will serve as pianist.
The contingent and all present will join voices in singing the Lithuanian national anthem, Lietuvos Himnas.
Those serving on the 100th Anniversary Committee are: Father Linkchorst, honorary chair and treasurer; Griffiths and Ligenza, general chairpersons; Gibas, secretary; Baddick and Savage, hospitality; Kay McGrath, Ann Miller and Annette Nowacki, program; Barnisky, Diane Derr and Donna Soley, decorations; and Raymond Boyer and William Zammer, refreshments.
A reception banquet following the service will take place at the West End Banquet Hall, Mahanoy City.