Term limits needed
Dear Editor:
Democrats and Republicans can't agree. Looks like Congress will not agree on anything in the near future.
Seems all they want to do is work on re-election.
Am I the only one who thinks we need term limits on Congress ?
Well guess what, I was watching television and what I saw surprised me.
Go to wwwterm http://www.term limitpetition.com, tell your friends maybe we can change things.
Because if not we will go through this almost every month about the government shutting down.
Banks and big bussinesses are sitting on a lot of money that could be used for loans and hiring people to help this country.
Remember Abe Lincoln said this country was founded by the people.
He didn't say by the rich.
By The People - For The People.
I Remain,
Robert ( Ski ) Siesputowski
Summit Hill - Veteran