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Road foreman tells his side

Published October 29. 2011 09:01AM

Dear Editor:

First, let me say that I would not normally respond to such negativity as was stated in a letter to the editor on Oct. 8 written by Paul Gimbel. After all, thousands of years ago, a far better and superior man was crucified and put to death because he couldn't please everyone. Let me take point for point about the flooding that occurred in Rush Township in Sept. 23.

These four catch basins stated in Mr. Gimbel's article were not, and I repeat, were not clogged. Simply put, they are too small to handle all the flow from the torrential rains. Everyone who knows Rush Township at all knows this is not the only area for flooding. As to struggling to clear debris in thigh deep water was this man's choice. The grates were not clogged enough to restrict flow. As I sat in the truck, you were there Mr. Gimbel. Had you taken the time to come over to me sir, you would have seen me in the truck with the radio mike in one hand and the cell phone in the other hand, awaiting information of help arriving. In the truck with me was a part-time employee who sadly but kindly said he was not paid enough to go into the water. Considering we didn't have the necessary attire to do so, plus the fact we were already soaked during our job at other catch basins where leaves are our biggest problem.

When I arrived for the second flooding with the township backhoe, that employee stood in the bucket with a steel bar, and not a stick as Mr. Gimbel stated. We do not have the proper equipment for our road crew. This is not the first time this area had to be pumped by the fire company. Mr. Gimbel made the statement that he had to call 911 several times to get assistance from the fire companies. This to me indicates that other residents of the township also were in dire need of assistance because of the flooding that occurred in such a short amount of time. Yet not one call or complaint from the others was heard.

I would like to say that there are several ways to correct Mr. Gimbel's flooding problem but they involve spending some money to protect his property. In my opinion, it is easier to place blame and responsibility on others. In this case, the blame was put on the township, road department, supervisors and God.

The drain on Grant Street on the side of Mr. Gimbel's house is too small to handle the water flow. The township did not install that catch basin. Whoever put that parking lot in had a contractor install that basin as it was an open ditch before that. But it still needs to be addressed.

In closing, I would like to say that as the road foreman for Rush Township I will not put any of my work crew in harm's way. We do keep the drains clean and free of debris as much as possible. I can and I have taken criticism in my life. I felt the need to respond to Mr. Gimbel's letter to tell my side of the events that occurred on Sept. 23.

Gene Rutch

Rush Township

Road Foreman

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