Park bench least of worries
Dear Editor:
I am a resident of Lansford and a member of borough council. I pointed out last year about the problems with the finances with this borough.
It seems to me that a park bench is more important to the other members of council than the financial problems. The park bench is being utilized now, how many times do you see people filling the benches in the park?
On Aug. 26 we had a meeting with the Auditor to discuss the report his people filed following an attempt to audit our books following the former sec/treasurer resignation. They couldn't audit our books. They have to be reconciled. At this meeting three members of council were absent. One member of the public was present, but the council President told him he had to leave. A public meeting is open to the public and he was allowed back after the President was advised of this.
Our day to day operations are in jeopardy because the accounts have to be reconciled before we can move on. We have to bring in outside help to perform this at additional costs to the taxpayers. In my opinion we have paid an individual regular pay, overtime and comp. time for her regular duties. These accounts should have been up to date. In addition checking over time sheets, overtime, comp. time was signed by the present and former chairs of the municipal administration committee with nothing on sheets. Why?
In my opinion I feel they should be surcharged for this overtime/comp. time. Also in my opinion the bonding company should be contacted for any late fees or interest hikes when money was present and bills not paid. As I stated last year and at the Aug. 26 meeting I feel the state should be brought in to operate the town. But in closing I think a park bench is the least of our problems. When you start the year with $364,000 in outstanding bills what will your taxes be in 2012?
I also would like to commend the The Luzerne County DA for seeing a conflict of interest and moving, maybe they could show the Carbon County DA how it is done.
Sincerely yours,
Tommy J. Vadyak