Polk column
Cornerstone Community Church
There will be a Community Worship Service for the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 at Cornerstone Community Church, HTY and Polk Township roads, Kresgeville, beginning at 10:45 a.m., Sunday, Sept. 11.
The public is invited to attend and hear the story about the events experienced on Sept. 11, 2001, from a local ground zero survivor. Cornerstone Community Church will "Remember the Rescuers" during the service.
Child care is provided for nursery and toddler ages. There is Junior Worship for grades K-3 and a Preteen Zone for grades 4-6.
All visitors will receive a free book entitled "Where was God on September 11?"
A special love offering will be taken for active military to receive the Bible on media sticks. Visit www.cornerstonecommunity.org for more information.
Boy Scouts registration
Boy Scout Troop 101, chartered by Salem UCC Church in Gilbert, will host a Fall Recruitment Night on Tuesday, Sept. 27, at the church, located off Route 209 (behind Turkey Hill), from 6:30-8 p.m.
The Scouts will display different activities, programs they participate in, and more. Those interested are invited to attend and learn more about Scouting, have questions answered, and participate in some of the activities.
Boy Scouts are for boys 11 years old but not more than 18; or who have completed the fifth grade or earned the Arrow of Light Award and are at least 10 years old. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Greg Gill at (570) 992-8053, or Jeff Lorah at (610) 895-4083.
Cub Scouts registration
Cub Scout Pack 101 in Gilbert will host its annual fall recruitment night on Monday, Sept. 19, from 6:30-8 p.m., at the Salem United Church of Christ, Route 209, Gilbert (behind Turkey Hill). Learn what Cub Scouts are about and be ready to join in on the fun. Several leaders within the unit will be available to answer questions, and meet new Scouts.
Cub Scouts attend sporting events, go camping and hiking, golfing, participate in pinewood and Klondike derbies, snow tubing, tours of businesses and more.
For additional information please contact Jeff Lorah, Cubmaster, at (610) 895-4083, or Laurie Lesnik, committee member, at (732) 239-3647.