NSSF card gives hunters the facts
At some point, nearly every hunter will be called on to point out the merits of hunting, which makes having the facts to defend this great tradition by citing well-sourced facts in the discussion so important.
To assist hunters in having a handy reference source, the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry, can help make points with its newly updated Hunter's Pocket Fact Card.
This card is free and available online at www.nssf.org/lit and in bulk quantities to hunting clubs, shooting ranges, conservation organizations and firearms retail stores.
Formed in 1961, NSSF is celebrating its 50th anniversary and has a membership of more than 6,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen's organizations and publishers.
Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports, and to request bulk quantities of the card and information, access the website at www.nssf.org http://r20.rs6. net/tn.jsp?llr=qbu9jncab&et=1107500293032&s=107132&e=001JUi5Ci9msSMqw34IwohB_5rud1Kc1EZhOOE7lRCqAAZCbElgGALuoFlQ06vD7WaIR-IAYU_67fC2g6AXr4w16dei6tDPuskA0cB9fI0Xsdk= .
Using statistics, pie charts and color photographs, the card points out the following:
Sportsmen contribute nearly $8 million daily to wildlife conservation through hunting license sales revenues; excise taxes collected on sporting equipment, the sale of Federal Duck Stamps and other revenue sources.
Hunting helps support 600,000 jobs in the United States.
Hunters and target shooters have paid $6.8 billion in excise taxes since the inception in 1937 of the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, commonly known as the Pittman-Robertson Act.
Game species such as whitetail deer, waterfowl, Rocky Mountain Elk, wild turkeys and pronghorn antelope have been restored to healthy populations from dangerously low levels in the early 1900s.
"Hunters must be more than sportsmen, they must be spokespersons who speak up in defense of our traditions when that need arises," NSSF president and CEO Steve Sanetti said.
"I keep a supply of our Hunter's Pocket Fact Cards handy. It's nice to leave a card with the person you've been talking to about hunting."
Bears Head Archery, Delano, located one mile off Exit 134, Interstate 81, has its 3-D course open daily to the public from dawn to dusk through Saturday, Oct. 15. Donations are accepted, and for information, contact Frank Blazusky at 570-467-0331 or docblazer@verizon.net.
This week's edition of "Experience The Outdoors," hosted by award-winning Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association member Doyle Dietz, Sunday, at 7 a.m. on 1410 WLSH and 9:30 a.m. on Magic 105.5, will feature Goey Game Calls president Steve Lyle.
This year's ICORE East Coast Regional Championship matches will be held Sunday at Ontelaunee Rod and Gun Club, New Tripoli. For information, call Fred Pickard at 570-657-7427 or email fzytree2@ptd.net
Pennsylvania Game Commission and Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission personnel, along with representatives from statewide sportsmen's organizations, will hold a National Hunting and Fishing Day celebration, Wednesday, Sept. 28, beginning at 9 a.m., in the East Wing Rotunda of the State Capitol in Harrisburg.
This event will feature a series of information booths and will highlight the importance hunting, trapping, fishing and boating and the related activities supported by the two independent state agencies have had on and continue to provide to the state's cultural heritage, outdoors recreation and economy.
A trap shoot will be held, Thursday, Sept. 29, beginning at 6 p.m., at Orwigsburg Gun Club, Gun Club Road, off Route 443 East, Orwigsburg. For information, e-mail jafone@comcast.net.
Pennsylvania State Parks naturalist Stephanie Strub will lead a seven-mile guided hike through Hickory Run State Park to the famed Boulder Field, Saturday, Oct. 1, to explore the field and learn a little about the park's natural history. For required preregistration or information about this event, contact Stephanie Strub at sstrub@state.pa.us or 215-453-5015.
"Ruger Rimfire Series East Coast Championship" matches will be held, Sunday, Oct. 2, at Ontelaunee Rod and Gun Club, New Tripoli. For information, call Fred Pickard at 570-657-7427 or email fzytree2@ptd.net
This year's Schuylkill County Friends of NRA Banquet will be held, Thursday, Oct. 6, beginning at 5 p.m., at St. Nicholas Hall, Minersville.
For tickets and information, call Mike McCord at 570-628-1382, Gary Reibsane at 717-647-4314 or Harry Meyers at 570-691-7564.
Schuylkill Spurs Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation will meet, Thursday, Oct. 6, beginning at 7:30 p.m., at West Penn Archery, South Tamaqua.
For information, call Kevin Titus at 570-668-5903.